Whoa, weekend!

Monday, May 1, 2017

Happy, happy Monday. 

Or so I tell myself.  Especially given that Texas weather cannot decide whether to be spring or fall and my allergies are running rampant and yet another weekend has come and gone.  Sad, as I really do love weekends.  And although we didn't have any "huge" plans this weekend, we surely crammed a lot in.

Starting on Friday.  When the Husband "guilted" me into picking the girls up early as I was trying to get in my second run in eighteen months (no, seriously, check my Nike app and I've run less than 5 times since my last half marathon in October 2015).  However, given that it was hot AND humid, I was happy to cut it short.

And hang out with the Littles. What's better on a Friday afternoon then time at our favorite park (picking all the flowers...again) followed by custard.  And cotton candy custard at that.

Then it was off to home for dinner.  And homemade pizzas. 

I don't know what its is about make-your-own food, but the Littles ate it up.  As in all three of their shaped (star, butterfly and flower) pizza.

Apparently someone was not impressed with my photo taking.

And doesn't everyone need a dough necklace.  I am not sure what these girls like more -- making their own pizza or playing with the leftover dough.

Even the Husband got into the fun of it...

And will now be in charge of all adult pizzas as it was delicious (well at least the small bite of crust was that I tried.  Dang "diet" and "peppers")

The next morning we were off to gymnastics, followed by numerous errands.  Since one of them was returning clothes at the factory outlet, I may have bribed the Littles with lunch at the Rain Forest CafĂ©.

Needless to say, they had a blast AND ate all of their food (seriously, they never eat) so we may have to go back more often.  Especially on Wednesday nights when kids eat for $3.99.

We spent the rest of the day relaxing, going to Barre (me) and grocery shopping before heading to our old neighbors for dinner.  Not only was it great to catch up but the girls were in heaven -- spending time with their sweet friend AND playing with play doh and paint (two things that are essentially off limits in our house)

Can you see why?  This mess.  I just cannot deal!

And then it was Sunday.  And our last play of the year (we got the girls season tickets to the Children's Theater for Christmas).  The last show was The Little Mermaid and it was so, so, so good.  As in, it blew the other shows out of the water.  We are guessing that Disney has strict quality control provisions but who knows.

After the play, we headed to dinner with friends who were also at The Little Mermaid, but since the restaurant was across the street from one of daddy's offices, a stop in was a necessity!

The girls loved looking out the windows from the 7th story.

But they really loved playing "boss" and stamping there all-too-important documents.

Then it was off to grab some grub.  If you are in Fort Worth, I'd highly recommend Cork and Pig.  But I may leave the kids home.  Nothing against the restaurant as they were super accommodating and had a kids menu, but my kids want boxed macaroni and cheese -- not fancy macaroni and cheese with various cheeses and bacon...

...but at least we had an ipad to distract and entertain them!

After dinner we headed home and both girls crashed on the way home before 6 PM.  Thank goodness both girls can transfer from car seat to bed.  Littlest Miss ended up waking up around 7:30 and playing for a bit, but Little Miss was down for the count -- not waking up until 7:00 this morning.

Think they had any fun this weekend?

What about you?  How was your weekend?

Just Rollin with It

Friday, April 28, 2017

Happy Friday y'all!

I know I promised a second post about the rest of our weekend -- but in hindsight, we didn't do a ton!  A couple of bday parties, dinner with friends, church, and relaxing around the house.  I think I may have snapped a handful of pictures...so in reality it would have made for a super boring update.  P

Plus, it's Friday

And we have WAY more exciting things to share.  Such as our love for all things Rollie Pollie.

To me these things are still a bug and thus, gross.  Similar to looking for oysters with my Aunt, I am all about the hunt, but I will not pick them up and may scream like a little girl if my Littles try to get me to hold one.  However, the girls are a completely different story.

Little Miss has always loved them -- so much so that she's been known to call them "magical" amongst other things.  Thus, its only fitting that Littlest Miss is following in her footsteps.  Heck, Littlest Miss found a rollie pollie at school the other day, carried it in her hand with her long enough to bring it home and then was reduced to tears when she dropped it and it disappeared (either it was hidden in the dark wood, or more likely, Wrigs ate it thinking it was food from her plate that she dropped)

So needless to say, in order to stop the tears, a hunt was a necessity.

And even though it had just rained and was much cooler than normal, we still found three rollie pollies each.  Thank goodness for the last one -- otherwise Little Miss was on the verge of a meltdown because her sister had more than her.

Welcome to my life.



And rollie pollies.

Friday Night B-ball

Monday, April 24, 2017

In true Stewart fashion, our weekend was once again jam packed with activities -- but fun activities.  So rather than trying to cram everything we did into one post, I figured I'd break it up...starting with Friday night.

I'd love to say it was our version of "Friday Night Lights" but given that we live in Texas everyone knows that that terms refers to football games.  Heck, even Littlest Miss is asking when we get to go back to a football game.

But given that we attended our first Rangers game of the season, and it happened to be a Friday night, under the lights, it seem fitting.

The only thing that probably would have made the night a bit better was if we'd stayed until the end to see the Friday night fireworks.  But a long week, tired Littles, and the seemingly never-ending threat of Dallas Spring storms meant this family left in the 6th inning. 

Regardless, we had fun and can't wait to go back.

The life sized baseballs in front of the stadium were a hit

A little unsure what to do with it and how to climb on it.

Not complaining about some help from (and a picture with) Daddy.

Don't worry, we weren't left out of the picture taking fun.

This statute.  The girls are obsessed.  Last year, they spent hours playing with/on it.  The second they saw it this year, the same thing. I don't get it, but happy girls = happy mom, right?

Trying to get a picture with Little Miss.  She wasn't cooperating.

First home run fireworks.  Girlfriend loves her some fireworks.

See how happy she is.  Amazingly the Rangers hit 4 home runs while we were there, so we got to witness this reaction 4 times.  Heart-melting happiness.

The only thing that may have made them happier was the cotton candy (by the fistful).

Seriously, I don't even think they tasted it.  Just smiled, shoveled and ate.  As in the entire bag, pretty much gone.

View from our seats.  Can't complain especially since they were compliments of the Husbands work.  And have to love seeing the AT&T logo everywhere we go!

One last selfie with Little Miss before heading home.  It only took us about 8 attempts to get some sort of smile out of her.

How was your weekend?  I'll be back tomorrow with a recap of the rest of ours!

Life in Rewind: Auntie Barb Visits

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

About a month ago, Auntie Barb flew into town for one of her two annual visits (so super cool by the way that she comes to see us twice a year!) and like always we had a blast.  We crammed a lot of activities into the three days that she was here.

However, unlike other visits, this one wasn't nearly as chaotic.  Now don't get me wrong, we still did a lot, but it wasn't a constant on the go like other trips.  Rather, it was just a lot of little things and hanging out.  Which was awesome.

So here's a quick recap -- based solely on the pictures from my phone, which sadly aren't a lot as Auntie Barb loves to take pictures, so I readily hand over that responsibility to her.  The best part about it...when she gets home she prints out the pictures and sends us the best ones!  Such a great treat especially in this electronic driven world!


The morning started out pretty "lazily" doing various Target $1 Section crafts.  The biggest hit was the shrinky art. I remember seeing this as a kid, but haven't seen it in ages.  Definite winner and I would have stocked up on my next trip, but it must have been a popular item as I've never found them again!

Coloring with Auntie
Pre-shrunk Art

Watching them shrink 

After finally changing out of our PJ's, we actually headed north to the Texas Tulip Farm.  Y'all this place was amazing...even though it was the last weekend that they were open.  Basically, its a huge former-ranch that just has rows and rows of you-pick-them-tulips.  The girls had a blast and I was in heaven being surrounded by tulips.  My only tip would be to go earlier in the season as the pickable worthy tulips were slightly slim picking.

Oh and limit how many tulips your kids can pick.  At $2.50/tulip, the final bill gets big.  And quickly!

Littlest Miss picking her tulips.  Sshhh...don't tell anyone, but she may have broken more tulips then she successfully picked.

Little Miss picking hers.  This kid was a pro.  I should have just let her pick them all and not gotten my hands muddy.

Some of our pretty loot. 

This may have been their favorite part...muddy puddles.  In true Peppa fashion, the girls definitely jumped in them. several times.

Taking their goodies to the car

After tulip picking it was off to see Beauty and the Beast (so good!).  Even the girls loved it.  So much so that Belle has overthrown Aerial as the favorite princess in our house.  Thankfully, because I knew the story, we snuck out to get popcorn during the "war" at the end and avoided some of the scarier parts. 

We then headed home, where we hung out with Grandma and Grandpa and relaxed the rest of the night at home with pizza and wine


Typical Saturday morning of gymnastics and donuts followed by the annual Blue Bonnet pictures.  If you are in Texas in the spring, its a must-do-Texas tradition.  The only glitch this year was that someone had told Little Miss that snakes like to hide in the flowers so she wasn't too terribly keen on sitting in the flowers for her pictures.  
Thankfully, we got a couple of good ones.

Since it was March Madness, we spent the rest of hanging out at the house, watching basketball, grilling and drinking more wine.  Did you pick up on the trend there?  Us girls definitely like our wine.

Speaking of grilling, we made this chicken -- which I found while flipping through a magazine earlier that day.  So, so, so good.  I may just have to make it again this weekend! 


After church, it was time for our shopping outing!  We didn't end up buying very much stuff, but never the less it was still fun to wander around the town center, play and chat.  Plus, since I updated my phone to the iPhone 7, it gave me a good opportunity to play around with some of the new features (i.e. the updated camera).  Sadly, though, I only snapped a handful of them as I was busy pushing the stroller.  I am really curious if the pictures are that much better!

We wrapped up the trip with a yummy dinner at Del Frisco's Grille followed by popsicles at Steel City Pops.

Such a great weekend!  Auntie Barbara visits are always some of our favorites!