Daddy's Little Princesses

Friday, February 3, 2017

So in keeping with the Valentines Day tradition The Hubby and Little Miss started last year, Saturday was once again time to find fancy dresses, new shoes, and get our hair did...and more importantly enjoy a night dancing away with Daddy at the Daddy Daughter Dance.

Only this year it would be twice as chaotic, I mean, fun as Littlest Miss got to go as well!!

Which meant Momma got some much needed wine time with other Mommas.  Wins for everyone!!

So while we waited for Daddy, Mommy snapped some pictures of the little princesses

Hugs on the stairs

Little Miss

Littlest Miss

Aren't these flowers girls beautiful?

Waiting for their Prince Charming

Trying to get a glimpse of their corsages

hugs for their daddy

Getting the flowers on (which Littlest Miss REFUSED to wear)

Posing with their friend V (trying to get all three to look at the camera at the same time was impossible).

Pictures with daddy

And last but not least, the one "professional" picture that they took at the dance. 

Aside from Littlest Miss essentially skipping her nap and crying through most of the night, everyone had fun and can't wait to next year!

Book Numero Uno

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Let's be honest.  During 2016, I didn't read very much.

I had some great intentions to read a lot.  I even started A LOT of books, but I didn't actually finish very many of them.  Rather, I spent a lot of time playing Candy Crush, stalking on Facebook and pinning on Pinterest.  In essence, wasted time.

Thus, one thing I would like to do more of this year is read.  And not just read, but actually finish books.

Well if the past few days is any indication as to the rest of the year, 2017 should shape up to be much better as I already finished this book.  As in, done, finished, complete, in 24 hours.  (yes, caffeine is a necessity as I type this):

It was so good.  Or at least good in the sense that I had zero expectations. 

Image found here

Prior to reading it, I had never heard of the book or the author.  The only way I even found it was through exploring the "free" books under Amazon Prime.  And all I can say is thank goodness I looked.  I really, really liked the book.  It was a great combination of romance, mystery, and psychological thriller.

So now it's on to the next book.  Or at least determining what that will be.  But two questions for you:

(1) Any recommendations?  It can be anything really!  Fiction, non-fiction, religious, work-related.  You name it and I am game for it this year.

(2) Amazon Prime allows you access to a certain number of free books.  However, Kindle Unlimited seems to open up thousands of more options for a mere $9.99 a month.  So my question is -- is it worth it?  Are there enough "good" books to justify the cost?

Happy reading!

And next week, I'll try to get back to Welcome Home Wednesday and all the "plans" we have for the upcoming year.  I just couldn't do it this week when I still have fake Christmas trees at my front door.

Hello 2017

Monday, January 23, 2017 what if I am 23 days late. 

2016 was great, and 2017 has already shown its going to be even better (so long as you stay off Facebook and the news and are able to tune out all the childish antics and hate being spewed at us pretty much every single moment, which is another post or two).

And why is 2017 off to such a great start? 

Because it's literally been life changing.  Seriously.

First, I had LASIK done last Thursday.  After years and years and years of considering it and backing out, I finally put on my big girl panties, funded my flexible spending account and scheduled the procedure.

And after no more than 30 minutes, I was able to throw away my glasses and contacts that I've worn for nearly 30 years.

Seriously, life changing.  And as many had told me, the only regret I was going to have was that I didn't do it sooner.  #truth

And secondly, I got one of the keychain poufs for Christmas.  Not sure what I am talking about, well here you go.  One of these:

I "asked" for a Kate Spade one, only because I am mildly obsessed with anything Kate Spade, but really it didn't matter. I thought they were cute and would liven up my car key and house key only key chain.  But it did so much more than that. 

See, I use to spend countless minutes looking for said keys in my always-to-large-and-to-clutter purse.  But not anymore.  I can reach in, feel the soft fuzzy pouf and be on my way.  It has saved me at least 5 minutes a day.  Which when you are always running behind and trying to squeeze the most out of every day, is huge.  Not as life changing as being able to see, but still life changing.  Or at least I think so.

So yeah, 2017 is off to a really good start.  Here's to 11 more months of awesomeness and hopefully many more posts from me.  No promises, but I will try.  Really.

Adventures in Potty Training

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

For several weeks now, Littlest Miss has been on the verge of being potty trained.  I know, I know, what does on the verge mean?  Well, let's just say that approximately 75 percent of the time, she'd be dry, let you know she had to go, and go on the potty.  Especially at school.  Which is great y'all. 

However, she refused, refused, refused to give up the diaper.  If you didn't put one on her, she'd scream her head off and likely pee on the floor.  Even attempts to bribe her by going shopping for "Minnie" or "Mouse" or "Anna" panties did nothing.

The kid just wanted her diaper.

Until yesterday.

Not sure what changed, but she woke up dry and immediately went pee on the potty.  Which earned her a candy treat at 7 AM.

And then said, "no diaper.  panties."  (thankfully, we had bought her some mouse ones on Thursday) and this Momma happily obliged (albeit with sissy's old ratted panties).  Momma also proceeded to put 10 changes of clothes in her backpack and sent her off to school with the parting words of "Good Luck." 

In my skeptism, I may have even posted about it on facebook.

And much to everyone's delight (and surprise) she only had one accident during the day (and it was during the transition from one class to the next).   So needless to say it was a huge success on her part.

Although there was a Momma fail to report..its a well known fact that my girls are dress girls, or at least Little Miss is.  I don't think she's ever worn a pair of shorts, so there's never been a need to teach my girls how exactly to put them on.  However, somehow someway we've acquired a pair, which I sent to school with her.  And after she successfully used the potty at home, she tried to dress herself again:

Clearly a fail as again these are shorts, not a skirt.  But ya know what?  Given the rest of the day, I'll take it!

Here's to day # 2 of no diapers.  Fingers crossed we are as successful today

Weekend Recap: Relaxin...Until it Wasn't

So as I mentioned Friday, I was looking forward to a low key weekend relaxing with the family and working on the house.   It definitely started out that way...

Donuts and gymnastics Saturday morning.

Followed by some sister cuddling that afternoon.

And a surprise monster attack.

And errands.  Lots of lots of errands.  Not sure what's scarier - these two driving, or the three of us in Home Depot without the Husband.

I was even able to sneak away and get in an hour of Pure Barre before the husband headed to the airport.

Oh and who can forget the silly lunch with our favorite yogurt

But that's about where the fun and relaxation ended.  Much of Sunday (despite the smiles during some of the above pictures) Little Miss complained of a headache.  By Sunday night, she was pretty inconsolable, started complaining of her stomach hurting and even throwing up.  Needless to say it was pretty scary and even a call with the afterhours nurse didn't calm our worries, the three of us girls headed to the ER to be safe.

And after lots of waiting, moving watching and cuddling, we were finally discharged with an apparent ear infection.  This momma thought we were winning since we got to walk out with a full week's worth of Rx and fairly manageable diagnosis.

I even thought I was winning when I woke up to this:

I couldn't believe what a difference one dose of antibiotics and a decent night of sleep meant.  Sadly, this was just a short stint of energy and by 11 AM (after dropping her off at 9:30 AM), she clearly still felt awful.

So we headed to our actual pediatrician Monday afternoon, who basically told us that it was just a nasty virus and that Little Miss just needed to rest, rest, rest.  So that's what we did for the rest of the day.

And now, its two late nights for this Momma.  Hopefully, we all get some sleep...although I may have to first figure out where I am going to sleep:

Happy Monday!


Friday, September 16, 2016

Between a full week of work, Littlest Miss coming down with some kind of stomach bug and the husband working silly hours this week, there is really only one thing on my mind.

It's Friday!

Looking forward to a much needed, low key weekend hanging out, relaxing and working on the house.

What about you?  Big plans this weekend?

Welcome Home Wednesday (on a Thursday...AGAIN!)

Thursday, September 15, 2016

To say that this post is long overdue would be an understatement.

I mean, the contractors finished up their work in late June.  It's only the middle of September.  But what can I say...we've been busy enjoying our new space!

So if you recall, the house originally looked like this.

And we had a media room that we couldn't use once the girls went to bed and no outdoor living.  That is no longer the case and we are loving, loving, loving our new spaces.  Check it out for yourself.

And if you are in DFW and need a contractor, please ask.  I can't say enough about ours!

The new outdoor kitchen

A view of the outdoor area from the house

A close up of the "living" area

A view of the pergola (we hope to eventually add a LARGE concrete dining table)

A view of the house from the yard

Close up detail of the fireplace

Daddy's hammock. Love the addition.  Don't love the color.

And upstairs is done as well.  We still have a lot to do in terms of decorating, but its already been such a great room -- whether for family movies or (more importantly) gymnastics practices!