Weekend Recap: Relaxin...Until it Wasn't

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

So as I mentioned Friday, I was looking forward to a low key weekend relaxing with the family and working on the house.   It definitely started out that way...

Donuts and gymnastics Saturday morning.

Followed by some sister cuddling that afternoon.

And a surprise monster attack.

And errands.  Lots of lots of errands.  Not sure what's scarier - these two driving, or the three of us in Home Depot without the Husband.

I was even able to sneak away and get in an hour of Pure Barre before the husband headed to the airport.

Oh and who can forget the silly lunch with our favorite yogurt

But that's about where the fun and relaxation ended.  Much of Sunday (despite the smiles during some of the above pictures) Little Miss complained of a headache.  By Sunday night, she was pretty inconsolable, started complaining of her stomach hurting and even throwing up.  Needless to say it was pretty scary and even a call with the afterhours nurse didn't calm our worries, the three of us girls headed to the ER to be safe.

And after lots of waiting, moving watching and cuddling, we were finally discharged with an apparent ear infection.  This momma thought we were winning since we got to walk out with a full week's worth of Rx and fairly manageable diagnosis.

I even thought I was winning when I woke up to this:

I couldn't believe what a difference one dose of antibiotics and a decent night of sleep meant.  Sadly, this was just a short stint of energy and by 11 AM (after dropping her off at 9:30 AM), she clearly still felt awful.

So we headed to our actual pediatrician Monday afternoon, who basically told us that it was just a nasty virus and that Little Miss just needed to rest, rest, rest.  So that's what we did for the rest of the day.

And now, its two late nights for this Momma.  Hopefully, we all get some sleep...although I may have to first figure out where I am going to sleep:

Happy Monday!

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