One word

Thursday, March 3, 2016

...if you had to pick one word to describe your life right now, what would it be?

In general, I would struggle to come up with just one word.  I am not good at picking favorites.  I couldn't tell you what my favorite movie is, my favorite food, my favorite color.  However, at this very moment, answering that above question is easy:

I have two little girls who completely melt my heart.  There is a blog post in draft about the absolutely amazing weekend that the three of us had, but even that was just a glimpse into how lucky I am to be there mom.

I have an awesome husband who works tirelessly to provide for us and more importantly loves us endlessly.

I have a relatively new job (I mentioned it here) that challenges me, allows me to grow, pays me generously, and yet doesn't stress me out to the umpteenth degree such that my life revolves around it (as it did with my old job).

We have friends and family who would drop whatever they were doing and would help us out in a pinch.

We are healthy (aside from Dallas allergies at the moment) and happy.

Not sure what else more you could ask for.

And as this Thursday winds down, I cannot wait for tomorrow as we'll head out of town to visit some friends and just relax, while making memories as a family.

Happy Thursday and Happy Weekend!

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