Getting Closer

Monday, March 10, 2014

...and unfortunately not to another weekend as (a) it is Monday and (b) I am actually working the full week this week.  However, having said that, I cannot complain about the past weekend.

It actually started early on Friday as we had our pre-drywall meeting with the builder late Friday afternoon.  Rather than pick Little Miss up early from daycare, the Husband and I snuck in a early dinner lunch date here:

So yummy.  And a much needed date night, or should I say day.  Regardless, we've both been so busy with work lately and so focused on spending as much quality time with Little Miss prior to the arrival of Littlest Miss that we haven't spent nearly as much quality time together as we need to.  Definitely must fix this on a go forward.

After date day Friday, we just vegged at home for the rest of the night.  Saturday was just our typical Saturday.  Only the Husband took Little Miss to gymnastics on his own while I attempted to get fabric for quilts for the girls.  However, no luck on finding what I was looking for.  Guessing, I'll just order online -- and maybe this week as I am running out of time.  Hopefully, the quilts are as easy as they were when I made Little Miss's nursery quilt.  Not exactly sure what type I am going to make (another reason I couldn't buy fabric...I didn't know how much!) but thinking something along the lines of these:

Option # 1: Striped Rag Quilt with Minky back (likely choice for little miss)

Option # 2: Chevron Rag Quilt with Minky back

 Option # 3: Simple Quilt with Minky back (First choice for littlest miss)

The rest of the weekend was just relaxing.  Pizza dinner at a friends house Saturday night.  A lazy Sunday morning due to day light savings time (we didn't wake up in time to make it to Church...oops!).  Naps.  A bday party.  And dinner with our old neighbors to end the weekend.  

...but now that I've recapped our weekend, I probably should get to today's blog title, which of course has to do with Little Miss.  While at dinner last night, she looked over at me and said, "Mommy, I go potty."  So in good mommy form, I took her to the restroom and let her try to go.  In bad mommy form, I did not have a diaper with me and rather than reuse the dirty diaper, I decided to let her go sans diaper.

This would have worked had we gone straight home after dinner.  But alas, we did not.  Bad mommy tried to squeeze in a grocery store run.

Little miss did great.  About three times during our 30 minute trip, she announced that she had to go potty.  So we'd race off to the potty and let her try.  And each time the same result, nothing. However, because she was still dry, I was okay with this.

Until we were checking out. 

I reached into the cart to unload some of the items and smelled the distinct smell of poop.  At first, I thought, "Nah, not my daughter.  It's too late in the day for her to poop." (she is fairly regular).

Until she announced, "Mommy, I poo-poo'ed."

Shear horror.  Thankfully, the store was rather empty at this time and no one was in line behind us and I don't think the cashier was paying attention.  So I did what any normal (bad mommy would do) and instructed her to just sit there.  yes.  sit there.  in her poop.

Shockingly, she did as told and didn't utter another word. 

We quickly raced outside to the car where an entire package of diapers and wipes were waiting.  Situation cleaned up.

And as soon as I had her buckled in and we were on our way home, I bursted out laughing.  And it was at that moment that I found the silver lining to the whole situation, she's getting closer...getting closer to being potty trained.  She definitely knew that she had to go.  The only issue was that she's never pooped on the potty before so didn't know how to go.

I also figured after dealing with sh*t (literally) my week could only get better, right?

Happy Monday, y'all.  

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