Whirlwind Weekend

Monday, February 24, 2014

Despite being exhausted on Friday, this weekend was jam packed of activities.  Thankfully, though, I was also able to crawl into bed by 10 PM each night so I actually feel refreshed today.  Wahoo!  

A quick recap of our weekend. Although jam packed.  Nothing terrible exciting.  Other than lots of quality time with friends and family.  And who can complain about that?!?!

Friday night

Low key pizza and an ice cream run.  Well, frozen yogurt so a tad healthier, but who's keeping track right?  Main thing of the night -- Reese loved it.  Gobbled up her whole cup of strawberry yogurt with rainbow sprinkles, strawberries and blueberries. 

The only downside.  She couldn't grasp why she couldn't have more when she was done, despite the obviously endless supply of yogurt machines and toppings.

Saturday morning

I would say it was a typical Saturday morning of Little Gym and breakfast with friends, except that it wasn't.  It was our last Saturday at Little Gym.  We've loved it.  We love our friends we made, but it was just time to move on (we start gymnastics this Saturday).  

Saturday afternoon

Park playdate.  Probably the coolest park that I, err, I mean Reese has been to.  How cool was it?  Her and her daycare buddy seriously ran around and played for almost two hours straight.  Had it not been dinner time and had the parents not been tired, I think they may have stayed for another two hours.  

And not only did they have fun, but us parents did too...just taking in all of their cuteness!

Sunday afternoon

Church, birthday party, errands, and a dinner playdate with our old neighbors.  Perfect end to a perfect weekend.

Oh and it wouldn't be a recap without a mention to the new favorite song in our house.  This song was actually part of the message at church this weekend -- but had already been a favorite of mine since we took Reese to see the movie over two weeks ago.  I may or may not have watched this exact youtube video several times since then.  

Not only does it have a great message for everyone, but it is super cute to hear our pip squeak two year old shout out "LET IT GO!"

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