Five on Friday -- Books!

Friday, February 21, 2014

For whatever reason, this week has just worn me out.  To say I am tired is an understatement.  I am not even sure exhausted covers it.  Thus, I am hoping for a super quite and relaxing weekend.  Lots of sleep, lots of doing nothing, and hopefully lots of reading (okay, lots may be a stretch).  There are currently several books that I am either in process of, or wanting to read.  So figured that was a good topic for this weeks:


1. This is a combo.  My old neighbor and I set out to read the entire bible in one year.  I did great for the first few weeks but have seriously fallen off the wagon.  

2. All Joy and No Fun.  This book had hit my pinterest feed a few times.  And then it got circulated through the Women's diversity link at work.  So before I boarded my flight last week, I downloaded it to my iPad.  (PS love that I didn't have to turn my iPad off on take-off and landing!).  So far I am about halfway through.  It's definitely an interesting read, but not sure on whether I like it, find it helpful, etc.  I'll keep you posted!

3. The current series at our Church is David and Goliath.  It is by no means a study of Malcolm Gladwell's book, but our Pastor definitely refers to the book at least once each sermon, so it does spark my interest in reading this book.  It also helps that I've read a couple of his other books The Tipping Point and Outliers, which I loved, so I am only guessing that I'll love this one as well.  I just need to get started.

4.  This book is scheduled to be out May 20, 2014, but I've definitely been anticipating her next book.   I am pretty sure I'll download it the day it comes out.  In terms of fictional, girlie books, Emily Giffin is definitely one of my favorite authors.

However, in searching for her next book, I did realize that there is one book I may have skipped -- The Diary of Darcy Rhone.  This likely just secured a spot on my must read list.

5.  I saw this in the airport last week and given that referenced Gone Girl (which I loved), I almost bought it. It took me a while to remember the name, but happily after nearly 30 minutes of what felt like endless google searching, I found it.  I may have to start it tonight because clearly if I wasted that much time determining what it is, I must want to read it, right?!?

What about you?  What books are you reading?  Any must-read recommendations?

1 comment:

  1. I just finished Reconstructing Amelia! The reference to Gone Girl sucked me in, too, but I think that reference is a little bit of a stretch - you'll still like it, though.

    I recently read Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand - I think you'd really like that one, too.
