The small things

Monday, February 3, 2014

Although I typically do a weekend recap on Monday, I just read an article in the Huffington Post titled 9 Things I Didn't Know I'd Love About Being a Parent.

This article captures my thoughts and feelings almost to a T.  And ironically, the Husband and I have frequently talked about how much our lives have changed.  How we no longer feel the need to have big, grandeous weekend plans.  How the thought of sitting in a bar, drinking and waking up hungover no longer seems enticing.  How the smallest things often are the best things.  And days doing nothing but hanging out just the three of us, end up being the best days of all.

This pic is from a few weeks ago.  But it just makes me smile.  She finds so much joy in things that we, as adults, would normally overlook.  Who knew dumping water on your head could be so fun?!?!?

Which pretty much sums up our weekend.  Aside from me having a hair appointment Saturday afternoon, the three of us were pretty inseparable this weekend.  We didn't do anything particularly exciting, but when all was said and done, it was a pretty perfect weekend.

And with that, here are a few of my favorite things from this past weekend, in no particular order:

# 1. Her love of her leotard.  Girl can't get enough of it.  As soon as we pulled it out for Little Gym Saturday morning, she was all giggles and laughs.  And of course insisted on wearing it Sunday as well once she saw it.  Not only does her excitement for this one article of clothing make me smile, but so do the things that she does while in it.  Mommy's little gymnast for sure.  Here are some of the many examples from her friend's 3rd bday party

# 2. Speaking of gymnastics, we did dinner with friends on Friday night.  It had the making of being a true disaster as we didn't get to the restaurant until 6:30 and both of us have toddlers who are typically in bed around 7:30.  However, thankfully, the restaurant was loud, and kid friendly.  Kid friendly, how?  There was an entire outside area (partially contained) with a basketball hoop, hula hoops, life size connect four and jenga, and corn hole.  While the preggo mommas ate, daddy's entertained the kids and then we switched.  Reese's little friend kept trying to run off, but not my balance beam obsessed toddler.  Rather, I kept her contained, err, I mean entertained by creating one very long balance beam out of Jenga blocks.  Girl seriously loved it.  I wish I just got a picture of it!

# 3. Leaving church.  We listened to a wonderful sermon about David and Goliath, had a wonderful chat with a random stranger at church, and munched on our weekly Krispy- Cream donuts (I seriously think our church may keep them in business), but the best part occured when we were leaving.  The husband had little miss yelling at the top of her lungs, "I love JESUS."  I have never heard her say anything lounder, especially to strangers.  And just the way she said it, you knew it was true.  Gosh, I hope that we can help her continue that love, and build upon that love, as she grows up.

# 4. "Watching" the Super Bowl at a kid friendly party.  And missing half of the game (which at the end of the day was fine by me as it was BORING) to make sure that Little Miss was (a) having fun and (b) behaving.  Both of which, shockingly, happened.  What may have been even more shocking was the number of comments I received as to how good she was.  And she was perfect.  Talk about heart-melting, proud momma moment.

The only thing that could have made this weekend better...was if Little Miss had slept past 7 AM this morning.  I had so hoped she would since she didn't go to bed until close to 9:30 last night due to the Super Bowl.  But nope, up and at them just like any other morning.  Oh well, I guess I can't complain too much...especially given her good mood and our wonderful weekend.

Happy Monday!

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