Five on Friday: Beach Daydreams

Friday, January 31, 2014

While skimming yesterday, I stumbled across an article about the Prettiest Beaches in the Caribbean  and although our weather hasn't been as bad as most of the country, it is definitely winter here in Dallas.  Cold blustery winds, and below freezing temps.  No thank you.  This girl is not a fan of winter. 

As such, the daydreaming began.  About where I'd like to be right now.  Aka -not in the cold.  Preferably a beach.  And figured, it would be a great post for this weeks:

Thus, here are five "beaches" or warm destinations that I would love to just pack up our bags and head to.  Some of them we've been before and some are on our wishlist.

[1]  Rosemary Beach

This is one of our favorite places to go.  We've now been as a family twice (April '12 and September '13) and cannot wait for our next trip.  However, it likely won't be until Spring of '15 given Baby 2.0's arrival date and some fall weddings.

[2] St. Lucia

We honeymooned here and have been dreaming of going back ever since.  Not exactly a kid friendly location (the resort we stay at includes daily spa services so best to leave them at home!) but maybe one day in the not too distant future we can drop the kiddos off with the g-pa's and head back!

[3] Hawaii

I've been when I was in 3rd grade.  So not sure if that counts.  Husband's never been.  And its been on our list of must hits for sometime now.  We are itching to go even more now that we have found ourselves watching the Hawaii Life show on HGTV and its where this season's Top Chef finale was held (so lots of TV exposure).  The only concern: we might not come back.

[4] Atlantis

Another place we've never been, and have thought about going to for awhile now.  Some of our friends go all the time and love it.  Plus, it seems like it would be a great future-family vacation as there is plenty to do for all ages.

[5] Turks & Caicos

Not sure if this is on the husbands list.  I've looked at it for awhile and only included it here because I needed another beach location and it was listed in the article that spurred this post.  Other potential candidates for the # 5 beach include Bora Bora, St. Thomas, and really any island in the Caribbean.

So what about you.  Where would you like to go to escape the winter doldrums?


  1. I have been dreaming about beaches a little bit too. Winter is nice and cozy and all, especially in Illinois, but a warm beach can really warm you from your inside out! I hope you all get to go sometime soon!

  2. We loved going to Cancun only because it was SO EASY and CHEAP to get down there! We left at 8am and were on the beach by lunchtime! Let's plan a couples trip :)

  3. Found your blog through the link-up! I am with you on the beaches. I'm over winter and craving some warmer temps. Atlantis is fabulous! I've never stayed there, but I've been to Nassau twice on cruises, and we visited the resort both times. They have a super fun water park. It would be a great place for a family vacation. Have a great weekend!

  4. I really would love to visit Turks and Caicos! I'm so over winter!

  5. so glad i found your blog through the link up! All those beach destinations sound lovely right now! Thanks for sharing:)

  6. Oh man I am right there with you on this post. I started a countdown to my trip to St. John January 1st. I just want warm weather and a drink in my hand!
