Reese Roo Day 834

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

So yesterday, Little Miss had school pictures.  Because most of her current wardrobe is either very worn or fairly wintery, I figured that we would stop at the Gap on the way home from school and get her a new dress.  In my mind, it was an in-and-out trip that would cost us less than $20.

I couldn't have been more wrong.

First, it wasn't in-and-out.  Although it wasn't too long either.  Clearly, little miss has an eye for what she likes and what she wants.  And in a matter of minutes, she not only turned down four dresses and said okay to one, but had some how picked up 3 pairs of shoes and a swim suit as well.

And secondly, given her finds, our bill was nowhere near the $20 I had anticipated.

However, I will have to say that Little Miss has good taste as she ultimately picked out the following:

(only her swimsuit - or should I say leotard as she refers to it - has yellow trim)

And here she is yesterday after school sporting her dress and new shoes (ps, school said that the shoes stayed on all day.  this is a huge plus in our house as we've returned/ruled out several brands for this same issue).

And gotta love the photo bomb by the dog...

Isn't she cute?

My only concern is that her cuteness and early love of shopping is going to leave us broke.  

Thankfully, she can't remember everything she there may be a return bag in my closet...

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