"Daddy work to make money. For my piggy bank."
Yup, kid understands that mommy and daddy work to make money. What she doesn't fully grasp is that most of the money doesn't go straight to her piggy bank. But hey, if a few pennies, nickles, dimes and quarters a day make her a happy girl, who am I to deny her way of thinking.
Because this is what she said to me this morning, its top of my mind. But she's been saying things like this for weeks. i think its time that I purchase this and do a better job of tracking her "Reese-isms:"
Maybe I'll devote an entire post to them one day.
Other than that, its been a good week. Little Miss has been extra sweet this week. Nothing super special, just lots of great moments such as this:
Swimming fun with Grandma in her slightly scandalous bikini
Eating Sour Cream (who needs the quesadilla)
And Lots of Bath Time Fun. Bubble Baths Maybe a Current Favorite
I may have been feeding her raspberries in the tube. Open wide. Yum, yum.
She's such a cutie! It's hilarious that she knows that you go to work to make money. So smart.