Another week has gone by. And at this point, its safe to say that we are over halfway to meeting our sweetest little (unless medically needed, I won't get induced). Time is for sure flying, although I'd be okay with it slowing down. Aside from the house needing to be built, there is a lot I'd like to get done between now and her arrival. Namely, spend as much time as I can with big-sis to be! But without further ado, this post is about Littlest Miss so here is a our 22-week glam shot:
[To be posted later. totally spaced this morning.]
Size of Baby: At 11 inches and almost 1 pound (about the size of a spaghetti squash), your baby is starting to look like a miniature newborn. His lips, eyelids, and eyebrows are becoming more distinct, and he's even developing tiny tooth buds beneath his gums. His eyes have formed, but his irises (the colored part of the eye) still lack pigment.
Total Weight Gain/Loss: It's been two weeks since my last doctor's appointment and my at home scale seems to fluctuate a bit. I am guessing I've gained a whole 2 pounds. I credit my obsession with my fitbit and getting lots of steps each day
Maternity Clothes: No change from last week. A combo of maternity pants or belly bands on normal pants. All normal shirts and dresses.
Gender: More pink and tu-tus. Another sweet baby GIRL!
Movement: Starting to notice it more. Littlest miss sure likes to kick or punch me right in the bladder. I love you too, baby girl.
Food Cravings: None really. Although I definitely favor sweet foods over anything else. However, just yesterday the thoughts of sweets made me sick.
What I miss: Nothing that I can't live without. Although the growing belly means the days of sleeping on my stomach are limited. So ask me again in a few weeks...
Sleep: Given that I've still be able to sleep somewhat on my belly, sleep has been great. However, I have a feeling that may change as little miss continues to grow. For now, though, I won't complain. I still, to that note, cannot get enough sleep.
Symptoms: Just the bump, which in tighter fitting clothes actually looks like a bump. I have noticed that I do get tired earlier now. But otherwise, good to go!
Best Moment this week: Figuring out a design board for her nursery and getting to see what will eventually be her room (it's just framed plywood currently!). If only deciding on a name was as easy as her nursery was...also love hearing Reese excitedly say "Sis-ta!"
What I am looking forward to: Lots. Slowly buying things for the nursery despite not having a house. Figuring out a name, which if history is any indication will probably take us the better part of the next 18 weeks. And eventually (currently in no rush) meeting this sweet baby girl.
Congratulations on the pregnancy! Sounds like you have a lot of fun things going on... best of luck with everything! : )