Clean Plate Club

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

This post should be Reese Roo Day 813.  However, busy morning and lack of photos on the phone left me idea-less until we got home.

And for the third time this week, she has been a member of the clean plate club.  Here's proof from tonight's dinner

This is a big deal in our house for a couple of reasons.

(1) She's still a peanut.  At almost 27 months, she is lucky if the scales tops out at 23 pounds.
(2) She rarely ever eats dinner.  I blame the 5 PM snacks at school, but still given numero uno, girl needs to eat.
(3) When she does eat, she eats junk: applesauce, fruit snacks and annie's bunnies.  healthy, I know. 

But for whatever reason, this all changed this week.  I didn't offer her anything different in the past and she still ate.  Chicken nuggets, quesadillas, turkey meatballs, noodles, avocados, black beans, etc. Maybe it had to do with me sitting at her little Ikea table with her.  Or the occassional episode of Dora (night # 2 only) to put her in a food-eating coma.  Who knows.  But regardless of the reason, I am one happy momma.

So happy, that little miss earned herself desert tonight.

Only issue there. Momma didn't stay happy very long as little miss quickly deemed both bowls of ice cream hers.  Hasn't she learned you don't take sweets from preggo's yet?

1 comment:

  1. My son is a member of the clean plate club too; although, as he gets older, cooking for him and eating healthy has become more challenging. All of a sudden, some of the things that he loved to eat when he was younger are now "gross." (I think he's learned it from his preschool friends.) Congrats on getting your little girl to eat healthy! It makes such a difference when it comes to keeping their immunity high and those colds at bay!
