I am not going to lie. Last week, I stressed about the house. A lot.
Lack of progress. Discussions with the construction manager, sales manager, and director of operations. Very few answers. And what seemed like endless delays.
However, by time the end of the week rolled around, I was feeling much better. They were able to get city inspector to sign off. Insulation got moved up from yesterday to last Friday. And the sales manager promised to "push" the builder a bit and give us weekly updates.
Thus, we are again hopeful that we'll be able to move into the house before littlest miss arrives...and maybe with enough time that I can use my two-weeks pre-maternity leave to actually decorate a few rooms...or at least make it feel like home.
So quick update on the house --
- Friday and Saturday the crews spent the day finishing the insulation. I know its not a super exciting step, but given that its progress and means sheet rock can go up, its exciting to us! Here's a picture of the entry way wall covered in insulation:
- The inspector is suppose to be coming out TODAY to inspect the insulation.
- Assuming that they are given the green light, that means that sheet rock and dry wall go up this week...
...and hopefully, we'll have even have pictures to prove it next week. 7 weeks until targeted move in date (9 weeks until must.move.in.by.date)...let's see if this actually happens.
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