This week has been a bit different than recent weeks. Not because of anything that Reese did, but because mommy is traveling this week. I left Monday night and don't get home until tomorrow afternoon.
Needless to say I miss my peanut (and the husband).
A lot.
And sadly, I haven't been there all week to see all the fun and exciting things that she's doing (or not doing). I haven't gotten to take pictures. And I haven't gotten to kiss her good night only to have my head slammed back into the pillow and being told "Mommy, stay here."
Tomorrow cannot come fast enough.
But in the meantime, a few of Reese Roo-isms from the past week.
# 1. Despite the warmish weather on Saturday, we decided to take Reese to her first movie (partially, because I had heard so many things about it and wanted to see it):
And I think she loved it. Even if she didn't, she did way better than we could have imagined. By far and away, it was the longest we've ever seen her sit still. Maybe it was because of the actual movie. Or maybe it was because of the large tub of popcorn of which she ate most of it. Regardless, she made it a hour until she got squirmy! Super proud mommy and daddy!
# 2. We are currently obsessed with puzzles. Both her wooden Melissa & Doug puzzles (one of my current favorite toy brands) as well as her puzzles on my iPad. Like many, she probably prefers the iPad, but again, will spend hours (or as long as we'll let her) just doing them one after another.
And if we do say so ourselves, for a two year old, she seems pretty smart! Note, this picture was taken Saturday after the movie...which means she once again insisted on wearing her leotard for the entire day! And definitely giggled endless that morning when we pulled it out for her to wear to Little Gym.
# 3. The big milestone of the week was finding out that Baby 2.0 was a girl. But what we didn't share with many was that Reese had recently been predicting that it was a girl. For the first 16 or so weeks of the pregnancy, she refused to answer the question "brother or sister." However, as of late, her only response has been "Sister!!"
And once we found out that Baby 2.0 was in fact a girl, she started exclaiming, "Sister" even louder. I cannot wait to see the the two of them grow up together. I know that my little miss will be the best big sister. ever. (okay, so I am probably biased, but its my blog...)
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