Five on Friday: The Husband's Birthday

Friday, August 26, 2016

I know I said I wouldn't inundate everyone with a detailed posted on what we've been up to since the last blog.  But I realized that my summary didn't include the husband's birthday and since birthday's are such a big deal in our house, I figured it deserved a post all on its own.  And it works out great for:

So without further ado -- here's how we celebrated the husbands 33rd birthday (back in July).

1. Cake

It's no secret that the Husband's favorite food is chocolate chip cookies.  So every year, we do a different variation for his birthday.  This year, he got these:

And they were good.  Although may had been better if I didn't cave and put cream cheese in the frosting...

2. Dinner

Aside from cookies, he loves BBQ.  Namely the Feedstore. And normally, I am a grump and pushback.  So he was pretty excited when not only did we get to go, but at my suggestion, with a smile.

3. Gifts

We brought him into the 21st century with a smart watch.  Not an Apple watch, but rather its much cheaper cousin that does almost the same thing.

And let's just say it, for the money, I love my Pebble (and so does the husband).

4. Party

It was suppose to be a book club couples event, but when half of them don't show up and you invite your true friends to a party the night before your husband's birthday, you know what it was -- a party for him!

Clearly, the adults had a little bit too much fun celebrating (him and the night away from littles)

5. Love

Probably the best part of any birthday is all the love.  And trust me, there was no shortage this time around!

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