Happy Birthday 'Merica

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Whew.  What a weekend.  Apparently, we celebrate America's birthday (aka the Fourth of July) like any other birthday in our house...with a weeklong celebration!  So needless to say it was a fun, but very exhausting weekend. 

Combined this with the fact that we had two nights of awful thunderstorms (on the first night a house a few streets over was actually struck by lightening and caught on fire) and thus two little girls in our bed, means that we definitely started this week a little behind on the ZZZ's.  Thankfully its a short week. 

But I am even more thankful for all of the family fun we had over the extended four day holiday!

The weekend kicked off Friday with our next round of family pictures.  Here's a sneak peak.  

It pretty much highlights the girls moods that morning.  Serious.  Grumpy.  Not wanting to smile.  And if you took the hats off, it was worse.  Tears.  At least until the glitter came out (cannot wait to see these by the way)  Oh well.  At least we know we got one cute picture of them. 

We then sent them to school so that the Husband and I could work on the house and prep for the rest of the festivities, which started Friday night at our house.  We had our old neighbors over and just hung out like old times.  Even though they live less then a mile away, both of our lives are so incredibly busy that we never see them, so needless to say, Friday night was great.  And judging by the number of bottles of wine drank and the smiles on the kids face, I'd say everyone agrees.

Pool + slide + house = A LOT OF FUN.  Best part about this is that the kids (7, 4.5 and 2) figured this out completely on their own!)

Saturday morning we woke up like every other Saturday and headed to gymnastics.  However, afterwards we went straight to the pool to spend the day with some friends.  Needless to say, the kids are turning into true fishes.  And despite our best attempts, they swam from 11 until 3:30.  Popsicles may have been one of the only methods of getting them even to rest!

However, have no fear, as soon as we hit the road, both of my girls were fast asleep.  The only bad thing about this is that it ruined my dreams of an early bed time...whomp whomp

The rest of Saturday evening was spent relaxing at the house and getting "pretty" for the holiday weekend.  Even daddy insisted on getting his nails done. Not sure he knew what he was getting into letting Little Miss paint his fingers!

Sadly, we have no pictures from Sunday.  However, it was another day of being fishes.  First was a birthday party for our old neighbor, followed by a cookout at our neighbors house.  We then watched fireworks from the neighborhood lake (and learned the next day that you can see them from our front yard!)

And despite all of this activity, it still wasn't even the fourth yet!  And Monday may have been the best day yet.  We woke up late, but still managed to make it to the neighboring town's parade with plenty of time to spare.  The girls favorite part was definitely the candy being thrown!

After the parade we headed to our friends house for the second annual book club party.  Water balloons were clearly the big winner this year.

After a quick stop home and a car ride nap, we headed to one more friends house for yet another bbq and more swimming.  Because of yet another lightening storm, we let the girls finish the weekend off by sleeping in our bed (again).  Needless to say we were all tired.

Hope y'all had a great 4th as well!

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