Big Girl Bed

Friday, May 20, 2016

It's official, Littlest Miss is no longer a baby and has officially become a toddler.

Since day one, Little Miss has been a great sleeper.  Thus, we had no intention of trying to transition her from the crib to the big girl bed anytime soon.  However, as mentioned here, we did move the big girl bed into her room so that (a) Little Miss would have a place to have the sleep overs that she's been begging for and (b) we didn't have to move the very heavy particle board bed downstairs only to move it up again in a few months.

Big mistake.

When we got back from the beach (as a result of 5 days straight with Little Miss and her cousin Littlest grew up big time during this trip), she refused the crib.  So much so that she's actually been refusing to rock in fear that we'll put her in crib when she's knocked out in la la land.  Rather, she insists on this:

To be honest, its going pretty well.  She falls a sleep relatively quickly and naps have been as good as ever.  However, night times have been a bit of a struggle as she tends to wake up around 3 screaming for mama.

The only way to calm her down is to bring her in our room or lay with her in her bed. I've been opting for the latter in hopes that it is an easier bad habit to break - especially since I tend to drift back to sleep, wake up 30 minutes later and sneak back to my own bed.  And then she's good til the AM.

Even last night, I tried to put her in the crib in the middle of the night and was met with screams.  Guess its means that we should officially take the crib down this weekend

And get ready for the next step of growing up:

yup, this is happening too.  Good thing its Friday!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that's a lot in one week! Thankfully, Avery is still happily sleeping in her crib. Before Jackson was 2, he climbed out of his crib, so we had to convert the crib to a toddler bed. I can't imagine trying to keep Avery in a toddler bed. She's a wild one and I have my doubts on whether she'd stay in her bed or not. She does show interest in potty training, so we may try and do that this summer. Good luck this weekend!
