Reese Roo - Day 918

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Although I am officially 35 weeks today (eeks!) I am a bit behind on blog posts.  So Littlest Miss can wait until tomorrow (especially since I forgot to take the latest and greatest belly shot this morning).

Rather, I wanted to post about Little Miss.  I know I am biased because she is my child, but seriously this kid is awesome.  I love watching her personality develop more and more each day.  I also love watching her learn new things -- even if it means that she is growing up way to quickly.

Speaking of learning new things, it seems as though this is a daily occurrence, which makes for one very proud momma.  Here are two "new things" from this past week that made me especially proud:

Future Soccer Pro

It's no secret that I would love for her to be a competitive gymnast one day.  However, it looks like soccer may give gymnastics a run for its money.  I took last Friday off of work due to my doctor's appointment.  However, before heading out there, I stopped by her soccer practice.  Because last time was a bit of a cluster once she knew I was there, I just stayed inside and watched through the doorway.  Thankfully, though I was able to get this video of her.

I love how focused she was on the task at hand (even after seeing me for the first time) and the fact that she had no issue "checking" her friend to get what she wanted.

Potty Training

Another non-secret on this blog is that we've been playing/toying with potty training for sometime now.  Only recently, however, have we forgone diapers on the weekends so long as we are at our house.  And she's been doing great.  Relatively zero accidents if she is in underwear.  So Tuesday morning while dropping her off at school, I asked her teacher if they'd be willing to deal with potential accidents and just forgo her diaper all together.  Her teacher said that so long as we had ample spare clothes, they'd be willing to do it whenever we were.  I told her that sounded great and I'd bring in spare clothes in the next week or so.

Apparently, she didn't hear the next week or so part.  Or because Reese was out of diapers at school they decided to just go for it.  Because when dad picked her up, here was her daily report:

She went in the potty all day, without any accidents!

Yesterday, she had once accident and then even refused to wear a diaper to bed.  She did wake up slightly wet (cloths only, thankfully!) and immediately went on the potty...

...could it be that she may actually be potty trained before Littlest Miss makes her arrival??

Even if she's not, I am definitely one proud momma!

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