Littlest Miss - 37 Weeks

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Another week down.  3 or so more weeks to go.  Scary how fast this entire pregnancy has flown by, especially the last few weeks.  It looks like we'll be in the house within the next two weeks, now I just have to convince her to stay put just a few more weeks!

Size of BabyYour due date is very close now, but doctors don't consider your baby "full term" until 39 weeks. Spending the next two weeks in the womb allows your baby's brain and lungs to fully mature. So if you're planning to have a repeat c-section, for example, your practitioner will schedule it for no earlier than 39 weeks unless there's a medical reason to intervene earlier.
Your baby weighs 6 1/3 pounds and measures a bit over 19 inches, head to heel (about the size of a bunch of Swiss chard). Many babies have a full head of hair at birth, with locks from 1/2 inch to 1 1/2 inches long. But don't be surprised if your baby's hair isn't the same color as yours. Dark-haired couples are sometimes thrown for a loop when their children come out as blonds or redheads, and fair-haired couples have been surprised by Elvis look-alikes. And then, of course, some babies sport only peach fuzz.

Total Weight Gain/Loss: No clue.  My guess is somewhere in the 12 - 14 pound range.  We'll find out tomorrow.

Maternity Clothes: Ugh, I have no cloths.  Thankfully, I am in single digits of work days, so somehow I'll make it work -- pretty impressive given that I only bought one pair of maternity pants, a pair of maternity jeans, two dresses and a handful of tops.  Cannot wait to have my full closet back at my disposal.  Although who am I joking, I'll be living in yoga gear for the next four months or so.

Gender: More pink and tu-tus.  Another sweet baby GIRL! 

Movement:  Still moving all the time, but thankfully the movement has gotten a little bit less violent.  My guess is that she's moving out of room!

Food Cravings:  Still nothing really.  Although I have consumed more cinnamon sugar toast with this baby then I have probably in my entire life.

What I miss: Sleeping on my stomach.  Seriously, its the little things. 

Sleep: I could sleep all dang day.  So blessed that I don't have an issue with sleep!

Symptoms: Ugh, back pain almost all the time.  BH contractions if I sit to long.  But otherwise nothing -- wedding rings still on and loose!

Best Moment this week:  Keeping baby girl cooking!  The husband was out of town and we were both fearful that she'd make her appearance four weeks early just because he wasn't here!

What I am looking forward to:  Just enjoying the last few weeks as a family of 3.  Finding out tomorrow if there's been any progress.  Moving into the house and trying to cram together a nursery.  Meeting Littlest Miss.  Introducing Littlest Miss to Little Miss.

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